Cooling device that utilizes the heat radiation from water vaporization Cool Clean Fan
By using the heat radiation from water vaporization, it provides large amount of cool and clean air

Cool Clean Fan has a cooling element with innumerable long paths of air. When the open air touches the element covered by water membrane, due to the promotion of the heat radiation from vaporization, it turns the open air into the cool breeze. And the water membrane has an effect that removes minute particles in the air. Thus it sends purified clean air. Compared to the existing air-conditioning installations that need to operate compressor for the circulation of refrigerant (Freon), it has high efficiency of energy consumption and also will contribute to electricity saving and reduction of CO2 emission. Furthermore, it changes the space into positive pressure and is useful to prevent the invasion of the hot air coming through the gap, insects and dust.

Cool Clean Fan Standard/HG (high grade) type Structure of product
Effect of Cool Clean Fan
- Cooling Effect
It produces cool breeze by the heat radiation from water vaporization - When the open air passes through the cooling element covered with water membrane in the Cool Clean Fan, the air is deprived of heat by the heat radiation from water vaporization and it changes into cool breeze.

Conceptual diagram of Cooling Element
- Air Cleaning Effect
The water washes off the dirt in the air - When the minute particle in the air hits the water membrane of cooling element, it will be absorbed and flow down in the water stream to the deposit tank. Unlike the general air-conditioning filters, there is no pressure loss due to clogging. When sizes of the germs (including the Legionella bacteria) are compared with the size of the naturally vaporized water (water molecules or steamed water), the size of the vaporized water is sufficiently smaller than that of germs. Therefore it is not possible for the germs to be absorbed by the water particles and scattered around.

- Cool Breeze Effect
It will demonstrate the maximum effect at the exact time period when the coolness is expected - In the hot period of time when the countermeasures against the heat are needed, the relative humidity of the air will be reduced. This low humidity reduces the temperature of cool breeze compared to that of the open air.

This graph shows the temperature of the breeze provided by Cool Clean Fan based on the data announced by The Japan Meteorological Agency in all the places of Japan (open air temperature, relative humidity).
- Positive Pressure Condition
It protects the inside of the building from hot air, insects and dust - Excessive emissions of heat generated during the work make the atmosphere pressure in the building lower than that of the outside, and this leads to the frequent invasion of insects and dust from the windows and doors. With a large quantity of cool air distribution, negative pressure condition within the building will be eliminated and this will prevent the invasion of the insects and dust into the building.

- Energy-saving Design
It reduces the air-conditioning cost in summer - It does not use any compressor nor condenser, therefore it ensures high COP (Coefficient of Performance). This will be efficient measure for electricity saving in summer. Compared with the general air-conditioners for industrial use, it shows COP of 4 to 5 times.